Bubble and the Fluffy Pink Fairy
Bubble and the Fluffy Pink Fairy
The heartwarming story of April, a creative and caring Alpaca who saves the life of little Charlie Chick with her kindness.
April collects and dyes all wool, and knight it in all sort of clothes and accessories. Her friends love receiving her beautiful presents. And for Charlie Chick, it meant much, much more.
A handmade present is full of love, it shows someone that we care about them. It is very important for a lonely person to feel like someone cares about them.
Practical Skills featured in the book
Where wool comes from, how it is collected, dyed, and knitted in all sorts of accessories.
Bubble’s Wisdom
To someone in distress, a kind gesture means the world.
Caring for others.
Posted with Collector Twinkle Farm Stamps
Keep them and start a collection, new designs every week.
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"My daughter loves to read
these beautiful Bubble stories to herself and Rico 😻. The pictures are colorful and sweet, the themes are unique and special. I love the wise lesson and kind message she learns at the end of each story."
Karen Mackenzie.