Bubble and the Enchanted Stones
Bubble and the Enchanted Stones
It was Mother's Day at Twinkle Farm. Bubble and his friends made lovely presents for their mummies. Little Charlie Chick created the most beautiful bead necklace they had ever seen.
Only Charlie Chick couldn't give her present to her mummy. You see my friend, since a tragic accident last year, Charlie's mummy lives in the sky. Not to worry, Aurora Owl came to the rescue and flew the beautiful necklace to Charlie's mummy.
Practical Skills featured in the book
The making of handmade presents
Bubble's Wisdom
Grieving, continuing a relationship with the spirit of our departed one.
Grieving for preschoolers, through continuing a
relationship with the spirit of our departed one.
Posted with Collector Twinkle Farm Stamps
Keep them and start a collection, new design every week.
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"My daughter loves to read
these beautiful Bubble stories to herself and Rico 😻. The pictures are colorful and sweet, the themes are unique and special. I love the wise lesson and kind message she learns at the end of each story."
Karen Mackenzie.