Bubble and Gloria's Treat
Bubble and Gloria's Treat
Gloria's motto in life is "When there is a will, there is a way". She built her own house and wanted to paint it in pretty colours.
To buy paint, she needs money; to earn money she needs to create something she can sell at the Farmer's Market. So she put herself to work. She got some goat milk from her mummy and turned it into a range of Goat Milk Products.
Follow Gloria and the friends in their entrepreneurial project.
Practical Skills featured in the book
• All the ways we can use milk: to make butter, yogurt, cheese, soap...
• Create a lemonade stand business, learn to earn money.
• Follow through a project.
Bubble’s Wisdom
We can give ourselves the means to achieve what we want.
Let’s learn to be resourceful so we can rely on ourselves...
Entrepreneurship for preschoolers.
Posted with Collector Twinkle Farm Stamps
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"My daughter loves to read
these beautiful Bubble stories to herself and Rico 😻. The pictures are colorful and sweet, the themes are unique and special. I love the wise lesson and kind message she learns at the end of each story."
Karen Mackenzie.